Sing with us

Sing with us


We are always happy to hear from enthusiastic and talented singers who would like to audition for our choir, which attracts members of all ages and from every walk of life.  

How many concerts do we sing?

We typically perform four concerts a year - autumn, Christmas, spring and summer - with occasional extras such as concert tours abroad, carol singing for charity, and performances on radio and TV such as BBC’s Songs of Praise.

How often do we rehearse?

We rehearse once a week between September and June on a Thursday evening (7.30pm - 9.30pm) in central Edinburgh. Typically, there is also a weekend daytime rehearsal before each main concert. Each vocal section arranges additional sectional rehearsals as required and further choir rehearsals will be arranged for any extra performances added to the season calendar. An optional residential weekend, taking place every other year, gives us time to rehearse bigger works in depth, take part in vocal masterclasses and perform at an informal and sociable cabaret evening.

How do I join? 

We audition new singers at regular points throughout the year. Please email us on, telling us your voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass) and a little bit about your singing history, and we'll be in touch to arrange an audition.

Do you need to be able to read music?

Yes, we expect all members to be able to read music and to sight-read at least a bit, so that we can learn music more quickly.

How much does it cost?

All choir members are required to pay subscription fees to help cover the core running costs of the choir. The current fee for the full choir year (September - June) is £190, or £105 for concessions. Members can pay in instalments by special arrangement. New singers joining part way through the choir year pay a pro rata fee.